Welcome to our careful, its a one way trip.

Hey there folks. Thanks for checking in with us to see what is going on in our lives. Check back often to see how many of our kids are still breathing and which ones are close to the edge. Its a crazy ride around here, but I wouldnt change for the world. Enjoy and feel free to leave us some comments.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Carrie Underwood!!!

Well, Arizona finally got her birthday present. She received tickets back in Aug to the Carrie Underwood concert (dang I had to go too!) She has been patiently waiting to go since then. My girlfriend Kourtney got her daughter Kendall tickets for her birthday, too (dang she had to go with me!) The girls had a great time! We eat dinner at Margaritaville (hence the parrot masks) and then went to the concert. She is a great performer!!! Here are a few pictures


The Peterson's said...

Hey Kristi!! I just found your blog and am excited to see what you guys are up too! And by the way I love Carrie underwood- don't judge :). It looks like it was a great concert you'd have to be a fan now!

Dawnee said...

You know next time if your forced to go a concert you can always call me and I'll take on for the team and go with you. It looks like you guys had too much fun!

AMY said...

What a great birthday present, do you remember when mine is? :) Looks like you guys are busy, but have a great family. I love checking in now and again to see what's going on in your world.