Welcome to our careful, its a one way trip.

Hey there folks. Thanks for checking in with us to see what is going on in our lives. Check back often to see how many of our kids are still breathing and which ones are close to the edge. Its a crazy ride around here, but I wouldnt change for the world. Enjoy and feel free to leave us some comments.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Finally some Pics from my Sister Tawny

Her is my sister and her family....although the elusive Tawny only appears in one of the pictures, I finally have some. The kids are growing up soooo fast I hardly recognize them. Kristi, the kids and I are planning a trip to Virginia next year to see them because we haven't seen them in about 5 years or so. Those kids look so much like Tawny it is frightning. Sis, when you read this, tell my little Bro Trev......homey needs a haircut! That is it for now......everyone check back and if there is something you would like to see on the site, let me know and I will see what I can do. If you have some pics, send them to me and I will be glad to post them on here. Take care and PEACE!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Adam's Side of the Family

Here is a picture of my mom's side of the family on their Hawaii trip. That is pretty much all of them.... there are a couple missing including myself and my wife and kids, but we will be in one of those, trust me.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just to let you know

Just in case you didn't know..........We have been in a custody battle for the past 4years with Arizona's Biological mother. Arizona was removed from her home in December of 2004 because of Domestic Violence issues and was placed with Arizona's Step Dads grandparents (figure that one out), after fighting the courts in Florida, she was placed here with us in June of 2005 and we have been fighting to keep her hear ever since. Well, as of June 25th is over. After going to court we were ordered Full Custody of Arizona and she will be living with us from here on out. We almost lost her a couple of times back to Florida, but someone with more than two braincells figured out she belonged here. Since being here, she is straight A's and the occasional B, she is playing numerous sports, plays in the band and was inducted into The National Junior Honors Society.....a pretty big deal from what and where she came from. It is finally over and me and momma can sleep in piece knowing she won't be going back to Florida except to visit. See Ya.

P.S. After about 20 years of smoking........I have been cigarette free for just over 5 months. Wish me luck. Also, I have to give Props to my Brother and Sister-in-Law Sam and Emily. If they wouldnt have sent us a link to their site, I never would have made this one. I got some stuff from their site, then added some other stuff and here we are. Thank you Aunt Emily......You ROCK!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Boys first Circus

We took the boys to their first circus. The Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus. They had a blast and cost me and momma a fortune......what a ripoff those things are. There are no pictures of Dane with circus people because Dane would not leave his seat. All the circus clowns scared him. This is the last Slide Show for a me!

Golf Trip

While waiting to pick up the boys from Nana, the wife and I planned a golf trip to Apache Stronghold. Kristi's brothers Shaun and Darren joined us and made a weekend of it.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Random Stuff

Since I am new to this Blogging thing, here are some pics of days gone past, just trying to catch everyone up. Let me know what you think....See Ya

Gages Tee Ball

Here is Gages last Tee Ball season. He was playing for the Floriday Gators....eck, but he got to play his last game at the Surprise Stadium. This is where the Texas Rangers and the K.C. Royals play their Spring Training Ball. All the kids loved it.

Summer Vacation 08

Back in June we went to Oceanside, Ca. for our summer Vacation. Aunt Kasi joined us and Uncle Eric showed up for a couple of days. Here are some pics. Enjoy

Back from Nanas

Sunday, July 20th 2008

We just picked the boys up from Nanas this weekend. Me and mamma had 1 1/2 glorious kid free weeks. The boys were with Nana Jo and Papa Phil because they wanted to attend the Curtis family reunion in Texas and who are we to say no. Mamma and I golfed like 3 times a week and just enjoyed the kid free life for a while. Sissy (Arizona) is in Florida until the 1st of August and then its back to full bore in the McQuillan house. We just started this blog so it might be rough for a while, but its a nice way to let everyone know how were are doing without having to shoot out 900 emails. Check back often