Welcome to our careful, its a one way trip.

Hey there folks. Thanks for checking in with us to see what is going on in our lives. Check back often to see how many of our kids are still breathing and which ones are close to the edge. Its a crazy ride around here, but I wouldnt change for the world. Enjoy and feel free to leave us some comments.

Friday, February 6, 2009

It has been confirmed WE ARE CRAZY!

So on Monday off to work and school we went. Pearls first day alone! It didn't go so well. She cried all day and some how managed to climb the out of the little pen we got for her. So, we made some changes and Tuesday off we went again! Well she actually managed to get out of the yard this time and went across the street of visit her brother Bear (who lives with our neighbor). So, here comes the crazy part!!!!
We adopted her sister to keep her company. Everything has gone great since! Roxy is a little more adventurous than Pearl but they love each other. Here are a few pics of the girls!!!


Curtis Family said...

You guys are dang crazy! I bet the kids are loving it! They are both really cute!

Bits-n-Pieces said...

awww!!! too cute!!
Do you take them to play with Charlie at Shelli's house?? lol